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15 avril 2007

Pregnancy yoga

J'ai une sale creve, sans doute du au fait de changer d'aeroport a minuit et demi jeudi soir, mais on a passe des super vacances, il faisait beau et chaud, et on n'a pas fait grand chose a part aller a la piscine et a la plage.

J'ai trouve ca sur Internet, hahahaha

The five best prenatal yoga postures
The Pringle. Lie on your back with a can of chips balanced on your stomach. See if you can eat them all before you fall asleep.
The Sneeze. As the sneeze approaches, squeeze your knees together, breathe in and out, and try to remember what it used to feel like to "hold it in." Keep this pose while you hobble to the bathroom to change your underwear.
The Calf Cramp. Try to stretch around your belly and rub your leg while simultaneously screaming loudly enough to wake everyone in your zip code.
The Pesto Burp. Bring your chin to your chest and exhale as silently as you can through your closed mouth. Reward yourself with a nice, meditative Fudgesicle.
The Sleeping Hip. Lie on your side until you lose all feeling. Roll onto your other side and repeat.

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